Here they read more books than class five. After passing the primary ending certification exam, students are getting admitted to class six. You can download the primary book from below tableīangladesh and Global Studies ( Bangladesh o Bisho Porichoy) The subjects are the same but more information than class four. To make the good preparation you can download the free NCTB book of class five from the below table. PECE is standing for Primary Ending Certificate Exam. At the end of Class five, the PECE exam is held. In Bangladesh Primary education of Bangladesh is considered from class one to class five.
Download the NCTB class four books as PDF from the below link.Ĭlass five is the last class of primary education. For religious and moral studies, they read their own religion’s book. They also read some types of book like class three.
In Class four students are become more mature than lower classes. To download the NCTB book of class three checks the following table. The Subjects are Bangla, English, Elementary Science, Mathematics, Bangladesh and Global Studies, Religious studies and moral Education. In Class three, students read more books than the one and two. Check Also BCS preliminary Preparation book list (PDF)